Tag Archives: Level-5

A Short-As-Hell-And-Not-So-Review-y Review of Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

16 May

I have yet to write about another of my obsessions. So here it is. Video games (particularly JRPGs).

Right now I am playing Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. It’s a relatively new JRPG brought to us fanatics jointly by Level-5 and Studio Ghibli (yes, the Spirited Away, Kiki’s Delivery Service, and Ponyo guys).

It is a bit childish due to the fact that it is probably marketed towards younger players (imagine that), but I am loving it all the same.

It’s a bit like the Tales series which I love with every bone in my body (not an innuendo) and every ounce of my soul (even though there probably is no soul… more on that another time). It is also a bit like Pokémon, which everybody loves, right? (you should). This is especially apparent in the combat system. It’s in real time (like in Tales) and you have the ability to recruit monsters called “familiars” to aid you in your hacking and slashing (like in Pokémon). In short, it’s incredible beyond measure. Fun, fun, and… fun.

So this game is what is taking up all of my non-working-normal-adult-people-stuff time. I recommend picking this one up if you are a fan of this genre. It will quickly become a staple, I’m sure. Good stuff.

In fact, I’m going to shut up now and go play some more.
