Tag Archives: On Liberty

Personal Life Update: Potential for Anarchy

6 Apr

This is my twentieth blog post ever! Woo!

Having finished Arthur C. Clarke’s brilliant work, 2001: A Space Odyssey, I have began reading two new books.

The first is Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy. I started it last night and read almost half of it in one sitting. It is a very fast read (though I’m not entirely sure what that term means). It’s hilarious! Highly recommended if you are like me and are new to science-fiction. Read it.

More importantly  I am now starting a self-study of sorts on the topic of Voluntarism (the view that all human action should be completely voluntary). Hooray for freedom! I am starting out by reading John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty. So far, so good. From there I hope to read more of the historical works surrounding this idea of personal liberty. Additionally I plan on reading and/or listening and/or watching to various contemporary thinkers (I suppose that word is accurate here–‘activists’ would work too). I am doing this to grow and expand in my already Libertarian-leaning views.

By the end of this extended study… I might be a voluntarist/anarchist. Wouldn’t that be interesting!

In other news, I’m trying to keep a regular pace of posting here. I truly want to. I’ll try harder, I promise.